‘Not Just a Key’ at Calvary

LEWISTON — Bishop Cliff Ives will lead the 10:30 a.m. service Sunday, July 7, at Calvary United Methodist Church, 59 Sabattus St. The topic will be “Not Just a Key.”

This will be the first week of examining the congreation’s “travels” through Judea, Samaria and the ends of the earth and will be about inclusiveness.

Communion will be celebrated and all are invited to take part.

Pastor Casey Collins will return to the pulpit in August following her sabbatical.

For more information, call 782-3221.


‘Music with a Mission’ series

WINDHAM — A benefit concert, “Broadway and Beyond,” will be performed at the North Windham Union Church at 7 p.m. Saturday, July 13, as part of the “Music with a Mission” series.

Tickets sold at the door are $12 adults and $10 for students, children and seniors. Box office opens at 6:15 and the doors will open at 6:30. A part of the proceeds will benefit The Maine Special Olympics.

For information call 207-892-7149, email MWAMconcerts@gmail.com or visit www.mwamconcerts.com.

First U welcomes new members

AUBURN — On June 9, The First Universalist Church of Auburn welcomed 11 new members to its congregation.


They are Autumn and Tysa Banks, Joseph Laferriere, Krista Lord, April Paquette, Nick Petillo, Dara Reimer, Derrick Webb, Donna Wesson, Danielle Woodbury and Sabrina Yocono.

For more information about Auburn UU, call 783-0461 or visit www.auburnuu.org.

Lileks return to Pinpoint of Light

HARTFORD — Pinpoint of Light Spiritualist Center in Hartford will welcome back Rev. John Lilek and Greta Lilek for a Weekend of Spiritual Exploration on July 26-28.

John is an ordained Spiritualist minister, certified teacher, healer and medium, through the Universal Spiritualist Association and is most noted as a transfiguration medium. He is also co-pastor of A Temple of Love and Light, in Fort Wayne Indiana and founder and director of the Universal Spiritual Ministries Association.

The weekend programs will begin with Gallery Readings on Friday evening and a one-day experiential workshop on developing mediumship, “Transforming Your Mediumistic Abilities to Higher Levels” on Saturday. Sunday’s programs will include workshops on “Empowering Your Life Through Positive Thought” with Greta Lilek and “Spirit Flame Card Messages” with John Lilek.

For more information or to receive a brochure contact Rev. Penny Frobese at 207-515-1016 or email poinpointoflight@live.com. Details and suggested donations can be found at pinpointoflight.org in the Camp tabs.