100 years ago, 1913
Are you one of those people who is unscrupulous about butting in when someone else is on the telephone? If you are, this little sermon is for you. In case of fire or the hurried call for a doctor, the telephone company allows the subscriber to break in with an emergency call. It seems almost incredible that any user of the telephone should abuse this privilege and “butt in” when someone is talking and exclaim something to this effect, “I want the line quick — I want a doctor,” when in reality all that is wanted is a chance to gossip. Only this week, a certain Lewiston man was talking business over the telephone. Someone “butted in” with an emergency call. Naturally, the man was willing to put aside his call if anyone needed a physicians. He soon took the receiver only to hear two people laughing and talking frivolity and boasting over their success in getting the line.

50 years ago, 1963
A Teddy bear was seen smoking in a car yesterday afternoon. Firemen went to the car, in a parking lot at 46 Lincoln St., Lewiston, and put it out. The LFD said the rays of the sun, shining through the rear window of a car owned by George Saucier apparently set the stuffed Teddy bear burning. The bear was scorched and some car paint was damaged.

25 years ago, 1988
Skateboarders, take notice. The Lewiston City Council will consider on Tuesday whether to authorize the Police Department to impound boards for up to 30 days if they pose a safety hazard. “We haven’t had any problems. We thought it would be prudent to have that kind of ordinance on the books,” Police Chief Gregory C. Hanscom said. First-time offenders would lose their boards for five days. The second offence means a ten-day penalty, with subsequent offenses punishable by 30 days. Auburn already has such an ordinance, and its penalties are even stiffer at ten days, 20 days and 60 days. The Auburn Police Department frequently impounds skateboards, according to Lt. Rene Lavoie.

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