AUBURN — A judge on Tuesday denied bail to a Greene man who is charged with murder in the April slaying of Romeo Parent.

Nathan Morton, 24, was in Androscoggin County Superior Court for a hearing.

His attorney, George Hess, argued that Morton could be released from Androscoggin County Jail to live at his parents’ home in Greene where he would be monitored pending trial. Hess said his client had only a single criminal conviction, a shoplifting charge, and didn’t pose a risk of further criminal activity nor a danger to the community.

Assistant Attorney General Deborah Cashman, by contrast, argued that Morton had deceived law enforcement officers earlier in their investigation and had twice confessed to knowing the man he drove to the site where Parent was killed intended to do so.

Cashman said Morton told police he was a drug dealer. She said he likely would continue to engage in that activity, if released.

Justice MaryGay Kennedy agreed with Cashman and ordered Morton continue to be held without bail, believing there was sufficient evidence for the court to find probable cause to support the murder charge. 


Morton is charged with murder, conspiracy to commit murder and hindering apprehension or prosecution.

Also charged with murder in connection with Parent’s killing is Michael McNaughton, 25, of Lewiston. He was denied bail at a May court hearing.

Police say Morton drove his car with McNaughton and Parent to a remote location in Greene where McNaughton took Parent into secluded woods where he stabbed and strangled Parent. Police say Morton later helped dispose of Parent’s body and misled police.

Police believe Parent, 20, of Lewiston was killed on April 9 or 10 because he implicated a friend of McNaughton’s in an earlier burglary in which Parent had confessed and was charged.