Neighborly Seniors meet July 17

PERU — The Neighborly Seniors will meet at 11 a.m. Wednesday, July 17, at the old Peru School. At the last meeting it was voted to lower the age to join from 50 to 48.

Bus trips were discussed and a yard sale will be held, the date and place will be announced later. There will be entertainment after the potluck lunch.

Stephens High Class of 1946

RUMFORD — The Stephens High School Class of 1946 will meet at 11:30 a.m. Wednesday, July 17, at the River Valley Grill.

For more information, call Phyllis at 562-4278.


Rumford Elks to hold cookout

RUMFORD — The Rumford Lodge of Elks No. 862 will have a cookout Wednesday, July 17. Serving time will be from 4:30 to 6:30 p.m.

The menu will consist of hamburgers or hot dogs served with macaroni salad, pasta salad and potato salad.

The cost is $6 per person.

There will also be games of pool or bumper pool.

Ellis River Riders plan challenge, show


ANDOVER — A versatility trail challenge will take place at 9 a.m. Saturday, July 20, and a Gymkhana Show will be held at 9 a.m. Sunday, July 21, at Ellis River Riders on Airport Road.

For information go to or contact 392-1101.

Events are free for spectators.

Masons to hold barbecue July 20

DIXFIELD — A Masonic Lodge chicken barbecue will be held Saturday, July 20, from 5 p.m. until gone. King Hiram Lodge is on Route 2.

Kingdom Rock Bible School


DIXFIELD — Kingdom Rock Vacation Bible School for ages 3 and up will be held from 5:30 to 8 p.m. Sunday through Thursday, July 21-25, at Dixfield Congregational Church.

Children will participate in memorable Bible-learning activities, songs, teamwork-building games, have treats, experience Bible adventures, collect Bible Memory Buddies and test out Sciency-Fun Gizmos.

Each day concludes with Fanfare Finale, a celebration involving living what they learned. Family and friends are encouraged to join in for this special time.

For more information, call 357-5477.

Rumford Seniors plan luncheon

RUMFORD — Rumford Seniors will have a luncheon from 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Monday, July 22, at 50 Congress St.


The menu will consist of shepherd’s pie, cole slaw, beverage and dessert. Cost is $4.50. Call 364-4700 to sign up .

The group will also hold a bus trip to Bangor Slots on Thursday, Aug. 8. The cost is $30. The bus will leave at 8 a.m. Call 364-4700 to sign up by Aug. 2.

Juggler coming to Mexico Library

MEXICO — As part of the Mexico Public Library’s Terrific Tuesdays summer programs for kids, the library will host juggler Steve Corning of South Paris at 10 a.m. Tuesday, July 26.

Steve will present an exciting juggling show for kids and during the second part of the program will lead a how-to juggling workshop.

This fun program is for kids ages 2-14 and will be held at the Calvin Lyons Hall, in the basement of the Mexico Town Hall building. Although the program is free of charge, there will be a donation box available for anyone who would like to contribute to the program.

For information call the library at 364-3281.