In reference to the uproar over the “not guilty” verdict for George Zimmerman in the death of Trayvon Martin, I would like to point out that most murders of blacks are committed by blacks.

According to 2005 Bureau of Justice statistics, 93 percent of black murders are committed by blacks, and there are eight thousand blacks are murdered every year. It seems the black community gets upset only when a non-black is involved in the death of a black.

The Zimmerman case shows how racist the black community is. Yes, I believe the black community is racist.

Martin was not a child. He stood nearly six feet tall. According to many reports from Fox News, Martin was a troubled teen who was suspended from school at the time of his death, and was a thug with drugs in his system.  And, Martin called Zimmerman a “cracker.”

So, who was the racist there?

Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson, along with the mainstream news media, are directly responsible for the unrest the story has caused in the black community.


They called Zimmerman a white racist. He is Hispanic and there is no evidence in his past of any racism.

NBC has been accused of falsifying the 911 tapes and is being sued. The list goes on.

I think the jury made the right choice.

Attorney General Eric Holder and President Barack Obama should stay out of it.

Mary Jane Newell, Oxford