It appears that Thomas Shields (July 25) believes in a black and white world in which all things Democratic are black and wrong and all things Republican are white and right.

An Indian belief: “Never judge a person until you have walked many moons in their moccasins.” Too many people today are prejudging others based on religion, color of skin, ethnicity, sexual preference or political party. There are many who hate President Obama because he is black.

Maine has had some outstanding political leaders: Margaret Chase Smith, Ed Muskie, George Mitchell, Bill Cohen and Olympia Snowe were very good, as are Susan Collins, Angus King, Chellie Pingree and Mike Michaud. Political party doesn’t always matter.

Gov. LePage is not among them.

Corporate interests now control the Republican Party which has gone against citizens in its attempts to suppress voting rights and to eliminate family planning (which many women rely upon for feminine health care). The party has made 40 attempts to do away with Obamacare, which has lowered health insurance costs in some states.

I do not know what the Republicans’ solution to health care is, as it has not been announced. I doubt they have any.

Republicans campaign against equal rights for same sex couples and would do away with a woman’s right to choose an abortion.

Democrats do not believe government should interfere in people’s private lives; people are created equal. Democrats work to benefit the lives of people after they are born.

Nancy Willard, Woodstock