I just completed reading Carol Libbe’s letter to the editor about education (Aug. 1) right after reading the Washington Post article by Courtland Milloy that was printed in the Sun Journal the same day. Very different opinions for sure.

Do most people believe that the current education standard in this community meets the needs for the future?

Is our world the same place as it was when we were children?

I see a much different world now than when I was a child. The technology, complexity and speed with which things change has created a much different world, with different educational needs.

Are people in the Auburn community willing to vote only their pocketbooks now, or are they willing to make the investment that will be needed to meet the educational needs of future generations?

I am willing to invest in the future, as the current children will become the decision makers. Hopefully, Auburn residents are not so shortsighted to deny them the educational opportunities required to meet the world’s demands.

I urge your readers to really consider their decisions in the next, and in future school budget votes.

The futures of all of us depend on it.

Anne White, Auburn