RANGELEY — The School Board on Tuesday unanimously approved hiring two educational technician III teachers and one bus driver.

Danielle Ellis was approved as educational technician for English as a Second Language, and Heidi Schultz as educational technician for special education. Both teachers are certified.

Superintendent Sue Pratt noted that all the candidates for this round of hiring were strong.

Sherry Haley was hired to fill one of two openings for bus drivers. RSU 78 is still accepting applications for part-time drivers, with a schedule of four to five hours a day.

Board Chairwoman Jennifer Farmer welcomed senior Brianna Hall as the new student board member.

Tackling the problem of the skateboard park on school property, the board agreed to remove it to make space for a school bus parking area. The board was concerned about dangers and liability, because the facility is in need of repair and is often used nights and weekends without supervision.


Acknowledging the usefulness of the facility for local kids, Pratt has talked to the town’s recreation department, which will suggest to selectmen the possibility of moving it to the Town Park.

The superintendent commented on the activity around the school, with work on the building coming along and teachers preparing their rooms and meetings with parents.

Pratt reported that iPads have been delivered, but will not be issued to students until after training with parents, which will be scheduled soon.

Brad Stokes was chosen as the committee’s new chairman for the coming year.

The board provisionally approved the Outing Club’s annual fall overnight trip, voting to let Pratt give final approval as soon as all details are finalized.

The board approved second readings for policies regarding pest management in school facilities and on school grounds, bomb and hazardous substance threats, and lockdown drills and fire drills. The board waived a third reading for these policies.

First readings were approved for policies involving the formation of a Student Wellness committee, and student use of cellular telephones or other electronic devices. The latter policy states that students are prohibited from using privately-owned electronic devices during classes and school activities, including study halls, field trips and extracurricular activities.

Pratt and Principal Charles Brown said they would explain this policy in detail to students on the first day of school.