I read the Sun Journal article with regard to Medicaid (Aug. 5). Another reason why Gov. Paul LePage should step down, the sooner the better. He has absolutely no feelings for poor people in this state.

Taking Medicaid away from people who really need it will only cause even greater hardship. It will be extremely devastating to the good people of Maine. So many are unable to afford insurance as it is now.

LePage is such an uncaring human being. He seems to have forgotten the hardships so many Maine people go through. I call that selfishness. He worries more about lobsters than about human life.

People need Medicaid, and if LePage is going to cut it, perhaps it is time for him to pack his bags.

I do not want him as governor of this state. I don’t like the way he represents the state of Maine.

Madeleine Perreault, Lewiston