September 11, 2001 changed the great and powerful United States for the worse.

Since that day police have slowly started to militarize their departments and personnel. Police departments are being given free military equipment, thanks to the Obama administration and taxpayers.

The world’s economic situation worsens each day and awake Americans hold their breath for the dollar’s collapse, and for police and military to swarm in after martial law has been declared.

Back in 2008, during the bank bailouts, a few members of Congress openly talked that if they didn’t vote for the bailout there would be martial law and blood in the streets.

Boston (post marathon) was a great example of what the police are capable of by locking down 40-plus blocks. People were forced to stay inside their houses as different agencies rolled down the streets in armored vehicles, kicking down doors and forcing citizens out of their houses.

I regularly go to the Lewiston skate park to skateboard. The other day I saw a military-style tank drive by and I asked myself when did Lewiston become not only a police state, but overrun by crime to the point where having a tank is now necessary?


My question is: why does the Lewiston Police Department need a tank?

What is it preparing for? Riots? Civil unrest?

“We the People” need to take back our country before it’s too late.

Heath Viger, Turner