FARMINGTON — A Kingfield man was injured in a rear-end collision late Wednesday afternoon on the Wilton Road.

Douglas Vara was transported to Franklin Memorial Hospital by NorthStar ambulance after his 2000 BMW was struck as he waited to turn left into Cushing Motor Sports, Farmington police Officer Ryan Rosie said.

Vara received a neck injury, he said.

Vara was stopped in the westbound lane at about 4:22 p.m. when his car was hit from behind by a 1995 Geo Metro driven by Clayton Perry, 22, of Farmington, Rosie said.

Perry received an ankle injury but was not transported to a hospital, he said.

Perry’s car was destroyed and towed by Collins Wrecker, Rosie said. The BMW was also towed.

A Wilton police officer who was driving by assisted, as did a Franklin County sheriff’s deputy and Farmington Fire and Rescue.