AUBURN — A walking tour guided by a city Economic Development staffer moves to New Auburn this week.

Al Manoian, Auburn’s economic development specialist, will lead a tour of the area, discussing its roots as an industrial village and its future.

“I promise, we will make it very entertaining,” Manoian said. “No one will be bored for a minute, and we’ll have some real fun out there.”

The tour is scheduled to begin at 6 p.m. on the Little Androscoggin River Bridge on South Main Street. Manoian said the tour will include Barker Mill and the downtown portion of the neighborhood.

This is the second downtown walking tour Manoian has led this summer. On Aug. 7 he took a group on a similar walking tour of downtown around Main and Court streets and Great Falls Plaza to discuss how development decisions there have affected the area and the way it is used today.

“The reason we really focus and try to captivate people with notions of heritage and history is not for the sake of history, but for the sake of discussion of our future lives in these great New England cities,” Manoian said. “I want people to understand that we’ll be talking about the past, but we are going to be talking about how that past guides the quality of our future in these neighborhoods.”