JAY — The Knights of Columbus Hall on Route 4 has reopened after anonymous donors helped pay the liability insurance on the building. That means beano is back on and free suppers will resume in September.

The hall was temporarily closed last week, which canceled one Thursday night session of beano and a free supper on Saturday, due to the hall’s liability insurance lapsing. Council 320 could not afford to pay for a $3,000 increase in insurance and were shopping around. The insurance for the building jumped from about $1,800 to $4,800.

Knights of Columbus Council 320 held a special meeting Tuesday, led by Grand Knight George Doiron, to address reopening its hall for beano, free suppers and all other activities.

“ A good attendance approved the move to continue these programs for the community,” Doiron said Wednesday. “Anonymous donors made it possible for the hall to reopen. Many thanks to them for this generous gift.”

Chairman Don Castonguay and his committee will resume beano on Thursday, Aug. 29. The doors open at 4 p.m. and beano starts at 6 p.m. every Thursday, Doiron’s wife, Fernande Doiron, said.

Free suppers will be held the second and fourth Saturday in September. The suppers normally are held the second and fourth Saturdays of each month.


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