Parkinson’s disease, multiple sclerosis, cancer, leukemia — there are so many diseases. I was diagnosed earlier this year with one of those diseases and it was a life-changing experience.

There are many different aspects to the various diseases and people find different ways to deal with such situations. Some can continue working, or they change their status or they retire. No matter what people do, it is their choice. The diseases that people get is not what they choose, but they can seek the help that is out there. Some people survive, some don’t, but we all fight to survive with those many issues. They represent an obstacle that we need to deal with in life.

I think it is important for people in such situations to thank doctors, nurses, caregivers, friends and families for being there.

I lost a very dear friend to cancer this year and I miss her terribly. We tried to stay in touch but that is never as easy as it sounds.

Here is my salute to her and to the many others who have had such problems.

Betty Mears, Auburn

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