Springbrook Golf Club
Folds of Honor Week End Pins
#2 1st Joe DePalo 4’4″; #2 2nd Scott Foster 6’8″; #8 1st Pat Murphy 11″; #8 2nd Brandon Marcotte 8′; #13 1st Ron Leeman 3’6″ #13 2nd Derek Hargesheimer10’11”; #15 1st Carmen Cohen 1/4″; #15 2nd George Hopkins 11’2″

Springbrook Golf Club

8/31/2013 Blind Draw 2Ball & Pins & Skins
1st Net: 56 Dick Metivier/Ray Convery; 1st Gross: 67 Ron Leeman/Rick Carleton; 2nd Net: 58 Dave Cowan/Bob Tremblay; Tie 58 Jeff Marcotte/Jim Fennessy  2nd Gross: 73 Jay Hopkins/Gaeton Bolduc: Skins: Gross: #8 Pat Murphy; #9 Rick Shea; #10 Tim Mynahan; #11 Jay Hopkins; #13 Ron Leeman; #16 Ron Leeman; #17     Ray Provencher; Net: #8 Pat Murphy; #9 Rick Shea; #10 Tim Mynahan; #11 Jay Hopkins; #17 Ray Provencher; #18  Gaeton Bolduc.   

9/1 Blind Draw 2Ball   & Pins & Skins
1st Net: 57 Jay Hopkins/Dave Cowan; 1st Gross: 71 Ron Leeman/Garton Bolduc; 2nd Net: 58 Jim Fennessy/Ashley Golden; 2nd Gross 72 Jeff Mertzel/ Bob Tremblay; Skins: Gross: #1 Jay Hopkins; #7 Bob Tremblay; #9 Ron Leeman; #15 George Hopkins; #16 Jay Hopkins; #17 Bob Tremblay; Net: #8 Jim Fennessy; #9    Judy Corkum; #15 George Hopkins; #17 Bob Tremblay.

Ladies League Finale Scramble                               
1st Net: 55.8 Debbie Murphy, Michelle Bellemare, Judy Corkum, Maureen Szutarski; 1st Gross: 62 Rachel Newman, Patti Ayotte, Nancy Downs, Pam Stoddard; Long drives: A Ashley Golden; B Nancy Downs; C Jean Pratt; Pins: #2 Michelle Bellemare 8’9″;     #8 Earlene Jackson 16’2″; #13 Nancy Downs 22’3″; #15 Carmen Cohen 1/4″              


Member-Guest Tournament. 
Individual Score Member. Gross: 1. Tim Fickett, John Lever (73). 3. Ralph Barkhouse (75). Net: 1. Bill Kennedy (60). 2 Reco Arnoldy, Bob Bolduc (63). Individual Score Guest. Gross: 1. Jeff Lando (68). 2. Dave Morin (73). 3. Bill Gendron (77). Net: 1. Bryan Hall, Rob Kurtz, Brian Gagnon (62).; 2-Ball Total Score.  Gross: 1. Rich Asselin-Jeff Lindo (68). 2. Scott Lever-Branden Lever (69).  2. John Lever-Wes Sawyer, Ralph Barkhouse-Frank Barkhouse, Reco Arnoldy-Dave Morin (70). Net: 1. Bill Kennedy-Dave Kennedy,  Marcel Morin-Rob Kurtz, Rich Asselin-Brian Gagnon (55); Pins: No. 2: 1. Tony Dubois, 14-0; 2. Bill Beotte, 18-9; 3. Scott Lever, 20-1. No. 8: 1. Tom Bolduc, 15-7; 2. Tony Dubois 16-0; 3. Reco Arnoldy, 18-7. No. 11: 1. Jeff Stevens, 9-10; 2. Bill Herland, 11-1; 3. Larry Thistle  15-1. No. 13: 1. Harold Jones, 9-11; 2. Frank Barkhouse, 11-1; 3. Mark Carpenter, 12-6; Closest to line, member: Sterling Giberson. Closest to line, guest: Rich Kennedy.
Monday Night Couples
1st Place = Coop and Dottie Cooper; 2nd Place = Brian Bilodeau and Pat Griggs; 3rd Place = Glen and Jean Mangini
Pine Acres
Hole in one
Andy Jay scored a hole in one on the 98-yard fouth hole using 6-iron. The shot was witnessed  by Margaret Jay, Dick Creighton and Liz Creighton.

Fox Ridge
Formsource Golf League

1 Caiani/Breton def. 8 Turcotte/Boulet; 7 Roberge/Garey def. 2 Gortin/camire; 3 Glouint/Grant def. 6 Gross/Godin; 5 Coutts/Cox def. 4 Grondin/Goody; Best of the worst: 16 Ouellette/Mundell def. 9 Novells/Tiner; 10 Chapman/Cloutier def. 15 Provencher/Gibbings;11 Copp/Cox def. 14 Philbrook/Hartnett12 Cameron/Breau def. 13 Smith/Cates.

Hole in one

Billie Davis shot a hole in one on Aug. 30 on the 95-yard, 13th hole using an 8 iron. The playing parterners were Sue-Ellen Clark.\

Skins & Pins

Pins: Josh Jones #3-8’4″; Damon Straw #5-20’5″; Craig Chapman #13-5’8″; Steve Booker #16-8’6″; Gross: Tacy Cloutier #2-3; Perry Goodspeed #9-4; Craig Chapman #13-2; Damon Straw #5-2; Net: Carl Goody #7-3/2,#9-4/3; Bruce Cox #13-3/2; Brian Cameron #2-4/2, #10 4/2; David Gross #3-2/1; Jon Grant #1-3/2; Ultimate: Carl Goody #7-3,#9-4; Bruce Cox #13-2, #18-3; Brian Cameron #2-2, #10-2; Jon Grant #1-2.


Mamas & Papas

Men Scratch Series 555 Clayton Burgess 549 John Mathieu 545 Rick Giguere; Scratch Game 217 Robert Lorrain 201 James Post 199 Jim Williams; Women Scratch Series 546 Susan Mathieu-Carr 471 Tammy Bureau 468 Victoria Silver; Scratch Game 174 Deb Edgecomb 167 Janessa Williams 163 Stephanie Doucette; Industrial Park: Scratch Game: 278 Nick Poland 276 James Goulding III 268 Kenneth Moore; 257 Paul Pelletier 255 Pepe Diaz 246 LeRoy Zutter; Scratch Series 727 Kenneth Moore 666 Nelson Beaudoin 653 Thomas Giberti Jr.; 648 Derek Webb 647 Catherine Bickford 646 James Goulding III.


Women’s Club Championship, final results
Gross: 1.Melissa Johnson 154; Net: 2.Neila Nelke 158-132; Round 2 Results: Melissa Johnson 77-68; Neila Nelke 81-68; Phyllis Ray 88-68; Ellen Pratt 93-74; Cookie Dean    93-75; Nina Bartlett 94-69; Round 1 Results: Melissa Johnson    77-68; Neila Nelke 77-64; Ellen Pratt 87-68; Cookie Dean 89-71; Phyllis Ray 90-70l; Nina Bartlett 96-71

Individual Sweeps
Men’s 0-9 Handicap
Gross: 1. Billy Brewster 71; 2. Dan Cailler 73; Net: 1. Wayne Fillion 71-65; 2. Gordon Ross 74-67                            

Men’s 10 & Up Handicap

Gross: 1. Jim Hood 77; 2.Eric Eddy 78; Net 1. Ray Martel 86-63; 2.Rick Vail 81-68                                      
Women’s Individual

Gross: 1. Melissa Johnson 77: Net 1. Gail Cailler 91-65                                        

Skins Game   
Gross: Billy Brewster 4 on #8; Wayne Fillion 2 on #17; Net: Brian Genest 2 on #2; Ray Martel 2 on #3; Muriel Leclerc 3 on #8; John Masters 1 on #11

2-Ball Wheel
Gross: 1. W. Fillion/D. Craib 64; T2. N. Mayo/W. Fillion 67; T2. E. Ashton/W. Fillion 67; T5.T. West/G. Ross 69; T5.G. Ross/K. Dean 69; T5. B. Brewster/J. Emerson 69; Net 1. D. Cailler/J. Hood 57; T2. P. Leclair/P. Nadeau 58; T2. P. Nadeau/B. Genest 58; T4. J. Thornton/J. Hood 59; T4. J. Hood/S. Evrard 59; 1 Results: Melissa Johnson 77-68; Neila Nelke 77-64; Ellen Pratt 87-68; Cookie Dean 89-71; Phyllis Ray 90-70l; Nina Bartlett 96-71.

Apple Valley

Ladies Golf League

Game of the Day: Bramble (use worst drive)

A: Doris Martin- 55; B: Elaine Dube- 57; Low Gross A: Jessica Poisson- 55; Low Net A: Monique Shrader- 37; Low Gross B: Barbara Pohle- 57; Low Net B: Ethel Landry- 42; 50/50 (least putts): Claire Veilleux- 13: Birdies: 0

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