LEWISTON — Candidate Charles Soule’s plan to run for two offices simultaneously is being scuttled, according to the city clerk and a new provision in the City Charter.

Soule is one of three candidates who qualified for a spot on November’s ballot for the Ward 5 City Council seat.

But Soule said Wednesday he also plans to run a write-in campaign for the mayor’s seat. He filed official paperwork with the City Clerk’s office Monday, declaring his write-in campaign.

City Clerk Kathy Montejo replied Tuesday, saying she was unable to accept his declaration based on a reading of the amended charter, adopted by voters last fall.

According to the new rules, a person cannot be a candidate for more than one city elective office in a single election. Since city rules require write-in candidates to register with the City Clerk, Soule cannot register as a write-in because he’s already on the ballot.

Soule disagreed, saying a write-in campaign is not a matter of registering with the city but of being drafted by voters.


“It’s not something you really run for,” he said. “I think that’s the technicality that catches them. It’s a matter of what the people want.”

Voters can still write his name in as mayor if they choose, he said.

Soule said he has emailed all of his correspondences to the national and Maine branches of the American Civil Liberties Union and is waiting to hear from them.

Montejo could not be reached for comment Wednesday. Deputy City Administrator Phil Nadeau said the city attorney has looked at the charter and agrees with Montejo.

“We are interpreting correctly what the charter says we are required to do,” Nadeau said.

Write-in candidates have until Oct. 5 to file their intentions with the clerk’s office, according to the charter.

The election is scheduled for Nov. 5. The terms for those elected begin in January 2014. All seats for the City Council and School Committee are open. That includes the mayor, councilors for all seven wards, School Committee members for all seven wards and the at-large School Committee seat.
