STRONG — Of five candidates for two RSU 58 board positions, selectmen chose two representatives with lengthy prior experience in municipal and school district finances.

At their Tuesday night meeting, municipal officials asked three candidates present what qualifications they would bring to the position.

“I feel I have a lot of background with the school, with the town and with the finances,” former Selectman Rupert Pratt said.

Former Town Clerk Lois Barker, also a retired teacher with the school system, said she also had many years of service in the district and the town.

“I’ve been on the school budget committee for Strong since before 1990,” Barker said. “I’d like to be able to serve the town and the school board, too.”

Former Selectman Mary White said she hoped selectmen would choose the best person to represent the taxpayers and the education of the children.


Selectman Mike Pond spoke for Alan Smith, who did not attend the meeting. Pond suggested that Smith has years of experience as a former director.

“He can pull a world of knowledge out of Quenten Clark, the ex-superintendent,” he said. “They’re two peas in a pod all the time.”

Candidate Lisa Brackley did not attend or have a representative to speak for her.

Selectmen chose Pratt and Smith to represent the town, along with current board members Ann Schwink and Marc Edwards. The two new members will serve until the town has its annual election on the first Saturday of March 2014. The next public school board meeting is at 6:30 p.m. Thursday, Sept. 12, at the Kingfield Elementary School.

Selectmen discussed the need to have a special town meeting to ask voters for more money to cover garage account expenses. Mike Pond said he’d reviewed the budget figures with town Treasurer Sandra Mitchell, and that although the account might have only $50 to $100 left, the costs will be covered. Lights, phone, and pellets for heat can be paid for with existing funds, he said.

Pratt noted that other town accounts might be equally low before the end of December, so selectmen could wait for all account figures nearer the end of the fiscal year.

In other news, selectmen will review costs and a schedule to replace the clapboard siding on the town office building with local contractor Jeff Murphy. Murphy expects to be able to complete the work before the end of the year and will meet with them to discuss details.

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