BETHEL — The West Parish Congregational Church will participate again in the eighth annual CROP walk at noon Sunday, Oct. 6, to help raise money to eradicate hunger globally and locally.

CROP stands for Communities Respond to Overcome Poverty.

Church member Jane Chandler said the walk attempts to raise money for Church World Service.

The Church World Service, according to a press release, “partners with aid agencies around the world to provide disaster relief as well as long-term micro-loans and development projects in more than 80 countries.”

“Seventy-five percent of the money we raise from the CROP walk will go to the Church World Service and helping fight international hunger, while the additional 25 percent will stay local and help the Bethel Food Pantry,” Chandler said Wednesday afternoon. “The Church World Service doesn’t just purchase food for individuals, either; it helps to find ways for farmers and local businesses to grow and establish a base.”

The CROP walk is a 5K event. Participants will be asked to raise money by finding people to sponsor them.


“The walk itself aims to be very mellow,” Chandler said. “We’re not expecting people to speed through it or anything. It’s just a mellow walk to raise money for a good cause.”

Chandler also pointed out that the walk is an “interfaith endeavor.”

“We have all kinds of different churches and local organizations coming together to help out,” Chandler said. “Right now, our main focus is on helping raise money to fight hunger.”

For more information, email Chandler at