HARTFORD — Selectman Jack Plumley reported to the board Thursday night that the Road Committee has decided to put the Guerney Hill Road paving out to bid.

He said he’s concerned about proper ditching and a 10-foot-high bank that needs to be removed or resloped.

Another issue is whether to reclaim the tar or haul it off to be ground up.

Board of Selectmen Chairman Lee Holman said paying to haul it off to be ground and bringing it back would be more expensive than reclaiming.

Road Committee Chairman Harley Swanson said reclaiming the tar to use as a base for the new tar would be the way to go, but he wasn’t sure how much money this would save the town.

Holman feared the project could not be finished this fall.


Plumley pointed out that suppliers would be delivering materials to the sand and salt shed during the construction project.

Swanson said that could be worked out with the suppliers.

Swanson also said the Road Committee had a wish list and one item was to buy equipment to test gravel and road material.

Road Commissioner Jeremy Johnson said the money could come out of his budget.

Swanson also asked if the state had an accurate list of all the roads the town maintains so money could be reimbursed under the Local Roads and Assistance Program.

The board asked Town Clerk Lianne Bedard to see if the road maps were up to date.

The code enforcement officer granted the following permits: Debra Harris to cut trees endangering her home on South McSherry Lane; April McDonald and Randy Gallager to build a Fleetwood home on Town Farm Road; Ralph Duiac to replace a porch with an addition on Darkin Lane; Cathy Lowe to build a garage on Maine Street; and Rosemary Anderson to add to her sap house on Bonny Road.

The next Road Committee meeting is Tuesday, Sept. 24.

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