RUMFORD — After taking the summer off, the Rumford Historical Society has scheduled events and meetings over the next few months, including a tour of a pulp and paper museum in Livermore Falls.

Society President Jane Peterson said the society held its first meeting of the fall season Wednesday and heard residents Ron Leberge and Len Greaney speak about the Civil War.

Leberge gave an overview of war its impact on Maine, Peterson said Thursday afternoon. “After Ron spoke, Len Greaney drew from his tremendous tabulation of veterans from all of the wars, focusing mostly on 907 veterans from this region who fought in the Civil War.

“He went over how many died from wounds, or from diseases, and what it was like to fight in that war,” Peterson said.

After the talk, members enjoyed a cake made by Diane Mitchell and decorated with a cannon.

“The cake was meant to recognize the 150th anniversary of the Battle of Gettysburg,” Peterson said.


The next meeting will be Oct. 9 for a tour of Maine’s Paper and Heritage Museum in Livermore Falls. Those attending will eat at the Mill Street Cafe.

The society is also planning to host a joint potluck supper with the Mexico Historical Society on Dec. 16.

Peterson said that due to a decrease in attendance, the society decided to lower the number of meetings.

“We decided to not hold meetings in January, February or March, due to the lower attendance,” Peterson said, “but we’ll be jumping right back into it in April.”

For more information, call the society at 364-2540.