100 years ago, 1913
Barker Mill baseball arena in Auburn was the scene of historic slaughter Friday afternoon when the Spartans, desperate yet defiant and determined to come home with the enemy’s bats or upon them, swooped down upon the Tigers who journeyed from Sixth street to do battle and by dint of fierce warfare reduced the Tigers to one in the score box while the Grecian named ball players had an even ten. Destruction was in the hearts of the Spartans and the terrible massacre came in the seventh when Goodbow snapped and allowed divers home runs. Archie Souleyman astounded the foe in the seventh when with two men gone to Mount Olympus, he stole home much to the bewilderment of the Tigers’ pitcher.

50 years ago, 1963
There’ll be no more paychecks for members of the Lewiston City Council. Because of several controversial issues, the board members have held so many meetings to date this fiscal year that they have used up all their pay. They get $20 per meeting up to $700 per term. This means there will be no pay for the aldermen until next March, unless the proposed fiscal year change is passed and in that case the new fiscal year would begin in January.

25 years ago, 1988
Auburn police pulled over a driver for erratic driving on Old Danville Road on Tuesday, and discovered the driver was a 12-year-old boy. Police said the youth was using his sister’s car. He was turned over to his mother, and no charges were filed.

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