Better Ball of Two Gross & Net
Gross winners: Matt Hutcheon – Joe Lesniak 67 Gross; Steve Berry – Andy Stonehouse 68 Gross; Net winners: Dave Venne – Mitch Leclair 55 Net; Allen Gendreau – Rob Pascale 58 Net; Gordie Smith – Ray Ross 58 Net; CTP #6 Wilbur Holmes 6’4″; CTP #8 Alex Hutcheon 11’10”; CTP #13 Hall Bureau 8’10”; LD #16 Andy Stonehouse.
Apple Valley
Ladies Golf League: Tournament Winners
Low Gross: 1st Place: Cindy Smith (49); 2nd Place: Monique Shrader (52); Low Net: 1st Place: Jill Longstaff (34); 2nd Place: Claire Kelly (38) Least Putts: Doris Martin 15; Ringer Board: A- Jessica Poisson (35); B – Jill Longstaff (41); Most Improved: A – Jessica Poisson (27 strokes); B – Stephanie Kuietauskas (20 strokes) Lowest Score Gross: A- Linda Kelly (43); B- Marie Bisson (47); Lowest Score Net: A- Jessica Maloy (31); B- Ethel Landry (28) Most 7’s: Stephanie Kuietaukas (5); Most 6’s: Claire Veilleux (5); Most 5’s: Linda Kelly (7); Most Birdies: Cindy Smith (2 birdies- # 9 & 5); Jeanne Read #9; Doris Martin #9; Pat Chretien #9; Elaine Dube #4; Eagle: Jessica Poisson #4.
Fox Ridge
Tournament: Division A
Gross: 1. 74 Linda Varrell, Susan McLain, Jeanne Flag, Carol Emerson; 2. 76 Phyllis Vail, Nancy Lundquist, Donna Maiorino, Theresa Kelley; 3. Tie: 78 Anne Barnes, Anne Raynor, Susan Hennessey, Polly Hoffman; 78 Donna Daily Noreen Munford, Sue Ellen Chamberlain, Lois Litz; 78 Carolyn Cianchette, Melinda Eaton, Cindy Maxsimic, Debra Lovsin; Net: 1. 76-60 Janice Ronan, Pam Strayer, Carol Grundstrom; 2. 79-65 Annette Kincaid, Lynne Priest, Debbie Thompson, Margaret Kuss; 3. Tie 79-67 Pat Boutin, Judy Greene, Edie Gribbin, Connie Hay; 83-67 Carol Mackinnon, Nancy Phillips, Peg, Wheatley, Shirley Jones; Closest to the pin, #3 1. Polly Hoffman 7’10”; 2. Noreen Mumford 12’11”; #5: 1. Barbara Sutcliffe 10′; 2. Melinda Easton 13’3″; #13: 1. Linda Abromson 5’6″; 2. Polly Hoffman 19″; #16: Cathy Savage 14’4″; 2. Jeanne Flagg 18’4″.
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