100 years ago, 1913
An Auburn Heights woman is troubled with a skunk that persists in making its habitat under her shed. She says that it is very much alive and she writes to the Journal to inquire if the chairman of the fish and game commission will come and get the animal, as she thinks it is the property of the State with which she must not meddle. The Journal assures the lady that Mr. Wilson is out of town at this time but on his return the matter will immediately brought to his attention.
50 years ago, 1963
The Lewiston-Auburn Area Chamber of Commerce “Santa Welcoming Committee” today swung into high gear in its planning for the arrival Nov. 23 of the red-clad, bearded old boy from the north country. The theme of the parade and its floats will be “Children’s World at Christmas.” Floats in the mammoth parade will be constructed by local high school and teenage clubs and the costs of the floats will be borne by the sponsoring mercantile establishments.
25 years ago, 1988
A Twin Cities organization that works to promote local artists and cultural events celebrated its 15th birthday Sunday by raising more than $25,000, the director of the organization said. “It’s a statement,” said Katherine Knowles, executive director of LA Arts, on the amount generated by an auction at Bates College. “For more than $25,000 to come from this community to buy art is a commitment,“ she said, adding that the sum exceeded the organization’s goal by about $4,000. The auction was in collaboration with Bates College Museum of Art located in Olin Arts center. The museum has exhibited the items, which ranged from jewelry to furniture, for two weeks as the museum’s opening exhibit of its 1988-89 season.
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