Biographical information


Charles A. Soule

Office Sought:

Lewiston City Council, Ward 5

Home Street Address:


135 Bartlett St.

Campaign Phone Number:

207 777 1863

Campaign Email Address:

Facebook page:


Twitter Account:


YouTube Channel:

Occupation or primary source of income:

Pension from the Veterans Administration



Check and


Public offices sought or held?

Ward 5, 26 year of serving the interest of Lewiston Taxpayers.

Civic organizations:

Lot to Gardens, Visible Community and Lewiston Housing Authority Resident advisor Board, last year.


Ice breakers

What is your favorite food?

Spaghetti and white clam sauce

What is your favorite movie?


What is your favorite book?


Caesar and Christ by Will Durant, State of Denial, by Bob Woodward

What is the best political advice you have received?

All you need to be happy is a safe place to sleep, meal a day and your health to be happy; everything else is extra. (learned while in India,( Military )

What Maine political figure do you admire most?

Edmond Muskie, Governor Kenneth Curtis

Local politics


What has Mayor Robert Macdonald done during the past two years that you agree with? What has he done that you disagree with?

no comment

What has the city council done during the past two years that you agree with? What have they done that you disagree with?

Renegotiated the Colisee deal, with the Firland LLC behind in taxes; Given City Administrator a raise of substantial money; And allow the Lighting of the City Hall at an electric bill of $1000 or better year — plus yearly inspection to make sure then do not fall.

What has the city administrator and the city staff done during the past two years that you agree with? What have they done that you disagree with?

Fix Walnut Street and side walks.


What has the school committee done during the past two years that you agree with? What have they done that you disagree with?

Not allowed redistricting of students to Montello

What should be done with Bates Mill No. 5?

To date over $26 million dollars has been put into Bates Mill. Lets look at the Grow L/A project in depth before we decide..

Any last words?

I know all the players at City hall (Names and position) and have grown as a person in the 26 years running for office.

Election coverage: