RUMFORD — Voters on Tuesday approved seven of the eight municipal budget articles at the town’s fourth referendum ballot in four months, according to Town Clerk Beth Bellegarde.

Bellegarde said all of the budget articles passed except for the unclassified accounts budget, which received a tie vote of 478-478.

Tuesday’s votes were:

* $749,000 for general government, 514-444.

* $650,000 for public safety, 506-450.

* $716,000 for the Police Department, 510-448.


* $625,000 for the Fire Department, 528-431.

* $874,000 for Public Works, 516-441.

* $60,000 for General Assistance, 535-422.

* $358,000 for capital accounts, 531-422.

* $1,276,000 for unclassified accounts, 478-478.

Bellegarde said she was not sure what happens in the event of a tie.


Voters initially turned down all 12 money articles on June 11. They totaled $7.5 million. Selectmen cut $1 million from the next budget, which was presented July 23. The Finance Committee reduced the proposed budget to $7.2 million.

At the July referendum, eight of the 12 budget articles were rejected. Passed were funds for health and sanitation, the Rumford Public Library, public service and debt service.

In a third referendum Aug. 27, voters again shot down the eight remaining budget articles.

The current tax rate is $24.25 per $1,000 of valuation. Town Manager Carlo Puiia said he expects that rate to remain the same, or possibly to drop slightly. The final figure will be determined by the value of the NewPage paper mill.