If you belong to a credit union, you’re not only a member, you’re an owner. In the uncertain and fee-laden financial services industry, it is no wonder that many consumers are concerned about the safety of their savings. And, as products and services continue to increase and become more complicated, sometimes it’s difficult to know who is in control of your money.
So why not choose a credit union, owned and controlled by the very people who save and borrow there — the members. Credit unions are secure and trustworthy institutions for your finances, in any economy. Here are just some of the many reasons why you should find a CU where you work, live, attend school or worship, and become a member today.
• As the fifth-strongest credit union state in the nation, Maine credit unions continue to provide stability for their employees and members in a challenging economy.
• Credit unions are not-for-profit, operating with a voluntary elected board of directors – this also means fewer, and lower fees.
• Credit unions function based on members’ economic participation, as well as through democratic member decision-making. That means that as a member, you are also an owner of your credit union.
• When you become a member, you are joining a cooperative community at the local, state, regional, national, and even international level.
• The level of education and training offered to members, elected representatives, managers, and employees encourages an unparalleled level of service.
• Credit unions are committed to the communities in which they serve. The many causes credit unions support stretch far and wide, from educational programs such as Financial Literacy for Youth, to ongoing initiatives like Ending Hunger in Maine.
Discover why now is the time for Maine’s Credit Unions. Visit www.mainecreditunions.org to get started.
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