RUMFORD — The Cancer Crusaders, a local Relay For Life team, will host its fifth annual Haunted Halloween Walk on Oct. 18 and 19 and Oct. 24-27.

The times are 7 to 9 p.m. Thursdays and Sundays, and 7 to 10 p.m. Fridays and Saturdays. The cost is $5 per person and includes a snack and drink.

The Haunted Halloween Walk will take place at 320 Isthmus Road, the house of Cindi Milligan, who helped create the Cancer Crusaders 17 years ago with her mother.

Milligan said she started the group as a fundraiser for “cancer patient care and research.”

“I lost my mother to cancer, I’m a survivor of ovarian cancer and my husband is a survivor of prostate cancer,” Milligan said. “Cancer has been in our family for awhile now, and we created this group to help raise money to go toward cancer research.

“Three years ago, when my husband was first diagnosed with cancer, our doctor told us if he had been diagnosed five years earlier, he may have had months of recovery,” she said. “However, technology has advanced to a place where we can catch it early. Instead of recovering from his surgery over a period of months, it was much shorter. We’re looking to the future, for the patient care and research.”


The Haunted Halloween Walk originally began as a children’s Halloween party created by Allison and Corey Freeman, Milligan’s daughter and son-in-law.

“We spun off from their walk and made it into something that helps us raise money for cancer research,” Milligan said. “The trail is set up by family and friends, and this year, we’ve redone the entire thing. Every year, we change bits and pieces of it.”

Milligan said she expects people to enjoy the new walk, but she remains mum on what types of scares there may or may not be.

“We’ve had zip lines in the past and had spooky houses built for people to walk by,” Milligan said. “This year, they may have to walk through the house instead of just walking by it.”

She said the Haunted Halloween Walk officially kicked off Friday and Saturday, Oct. 11 and 12, with the Cancer Crusaders able to “almost double what we did last year in the first week.”

“Usually, the first weekend is where we work out the bugs,” Milligan said.

For more information, call Milligan at 357-2701 or Freeman at 357-7084.

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