DIXFIELD — Dirigo Middle School is holding a returnable bottle and can drive to raise money for cancer research in Maine.

Cans for a Cure will take place from Wednesday to Friday, Oct. 16 to 18, from 7:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. at the school.

The event is being held in conjunction with radio station Q97.9, whose goal is, together with other schools and organizations, to collect 500,000 empties, which equals $25,000.

Last year, Dirigo Middle School set a goal of 6,000 cans and collected more than 32,000. This year’s goal is 32,500 returnables.

Those unable to drop off bottles and cans may have them picked up by calling 562-7552.

Principal Celena Ranger said students will count the returnables and update the radio station.

Monetary donations will also be accepted.

“We believe giving back is important,” she said. “We want to involve students in this wonderful cause.”

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