The city of Lewiston needs safe and affordable housing. There are good landlords who want to provide just that. People within the community need to be encouraged to invest in the community. The majority of the current City Council have lost sight of this.

Creating a community improvement property tax rebate program would definitely go a long way toward accomplishing community investment.

The city was prepared to provide a 50 percent property tax rebate for 15 years to Volunteers of America. They can provide a better program to the local landlords who want to improve their properties.

Local landlords would hire local contractors, who in turn, would hire local laborers. The end result — Lewiston gets more affordable, safe housing, the community pride returns, and we start seeing others follow suit.

People also need to be accountable for their actions. Not all landlords are slumlords. Not all tenants on welfare are deadbeats. We need to stop pointing fingers, get together, roll up our sleeves and work together. When we come together as a community and work together, there will be no stopping us. If we are to have change, the change must start with each of us.

Landlords, property owners, and tenants all really want the same thing — they want to be treated with respect and dignity. They want their voices heard by a government that is of the people, for the people and by the people.

Richard White, Lewiston

Editor’s note: Richard White is a candidate for the Lewiston City Council representing Ward 5.