RUMFORD — A benefit dinner and dance will be held at 4 p.m. Saturday, Oct. 26, at the Rumford Eagles Club to raise money for resident Lloyd Billings, who was injured in a logging accident in May.

Jim Peterson, a friend of Billings and responsible for helping organize the benefit, said Billings was injured while cutting a tree with a chainsaw.

“By holding the benefit, we’re hoping to raise enough money for a prosthetic foot,” Peterson said Monday afternoon. “It’ll be something that will help him with the use of his foot and make it easier for him to get better.”

According to Billings’ daughter, Jess, her father’s foot has undergone a lot of work over the last several months.

“They tried to put his toes back on, but nothing was really working, so they had to amputate part of it,” she said during an Oct. 15  phone interview. “He’s still fighting it, though, and we’re trying to make it so he can work on it. That’s why we’re trying to raise money for a prosthetic foot.”

The benefit will feature a harvest supper cooked by Billings’ family and include ham, potatoes, vegetables and dessert.


The supper will cost $8; tickets to the dance are $5.

Peterson said Hayden Jones of the Rumford Eagles Club has been tasked with organizing the dance.

There will also be an auction with proceeds going to the same cause.

For more information, call Peterson at 364-9262.