100 years ago, 1913
A building suitable for holding great conventions, monster exhibitions and to provide proper quarters for the local military companies is desired by the Lewiston Chamber of Commerce. It was made clear by members, in the course of the discussion, that such a building was regarded as a means of bettering social conditions in the community, as well as proving a business asset. It was also clearly set forth that the Chamber of Commerce feels the importance of securing additional industries to aid in the future growth of the city, and that all means are being exerted to secure these.
50 years ago, 1963
Plans have been completed for the annual city-wide Halloween window painting sponsored by the Lewiston Recreation Department.
All Lewiston schools have been asked to select representatives from the third and fourth grades, the fifth and sixth grades, and seventh and eighth grades to compete in the city-wide contest. Each painter must bring old newspapers to place on the sidewalk while painting, brushes and rags, a stool or box to stand on and a pint of water for mixing the paint and cleaning the brushes.
25 years ago, 1988
Some alert police work from an officer taking a break at Dunkin Donuts led to the drug arrest of a local man early this morning. But if not for the eagle eye of Patrolman James A. Roberge, the man may never have been apprehended. Sitting on a stool glancing out the window at the Main Street Dunkin Donuts, Roberge noticed a taxi pull up in the parking lot. The officer recognized the subject in the taxi and recalled that terms of the man’s probation prohibited him from being out on the street after midnight. It was about 3 a.m. The taxi left the lot and Roberge then relayed the finding to another officer in the area. A short time later, Patrolman Peter Paradis stopped the taxi and placed the man under arrest. Paradis, knowing where the man lived, anticipated the taxi’s route and intercepted it before the man got out. A subsequent search at the police station also revealed that the man was in possession of a small amount of cocaine.
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