LEWISTON — On Saturday, Oct. 26, community churches will once again provide welcome assistance to the City of Lewiston’s Public Works Department.

The faith community will work together behind McMahon School to build an outdoor classroom and help establish the McMahon School Nature Trail. The project is being funded by a $10,000 Project Canopy Grant awarded to the city by the Maine Forest Service.

This is the third year that Free Grace Church has organized such outreach with assistance from Lewiston Arborist Steve Murch and Open Spaces District Supervisor Mike Bernier.

Murch said, “The Public Works Department is excited about the development of the trail system at McMahon School. So much more is accomplished when community members offer a helping hand.”

The volunteer work performed by area churches will count as part of the city’s “in-kind” match toward the grant. Murch continued, “When completed, the Nature Trail, which is on city-owned property, will include educational/informational kiosks, an outdoor classroom and marked trails providing recreational opportunities for pedestrians, dog walkers, mountain bikers, snowmobilers, snow shoeing, snow sledding, nature lovers, cross country skiers and elementary school students and teachers.”