I am writing to express my unshakable support for Larry Gilbert for mayor. His commitment to Lewiston is undeniable.

He was born in Maine and family circumstances took him to California, where he graduated from high school. When it came time to settle down and raise a family, he and his wife chose Lewiston.

He has devoted much of his life to this community. He spent more than 20 years on the Lewiston police force, rising through the ranks to become chief. He then was appointed to serve as a U.S. marshal during the Clinton administration.

After serving as mayor, Gilbert could have called it good, but he continued to volunteer for nonprofit organizations and, most recently, he and his wife raised more than $45,000 to light the tower of Lewiston City Hall.

As an elected official and as a private citizen, Larry Gilbert has always put Lewiston and its people first.

Jan O’Brien, Lewiston