100 years ago, 1913
It was a great celebration of Hallowe’en that was given by the Daughters of St. George in the hall of Custer Post on Tuesday evening. This organization is the auxiliary of the St. George Society and as its name implies it is purely an institution of our English citizens. The men had to take a back seat last evening and the wimin folks ran the whole show. Jack o’ lanterns and other uncanny objects were everywhere. The men were subjected to some trying ordeals that were sufficient to test the stoutest heart. Each man was compelled to enter a darkened room called the hall of mystery where they were compelled to walk a plank that had been arranged as a teeter-board. If they stepped to the side, they were plunged down into a chasm filled with ghosts and hobgoblins.

50 years ago, 1963
The Lewiston Municipal Christmas tree in Hulett Square was set in place today, a bit earlier than usual. The blame for rushing the season can be put on Mother Nature. Yesterday high winds of Hurricane Ginny blew the tree down. “We didn’t want to rush the season,” said Chamber of Commerce Executive Secretary William H. Tewhey, “but there was our tree.” The tree was brought downtown from the home of George L. Kern at 473 College St., and if you don’t think Christmas isn’t just around the corner, take a good look at the calendar. November is the day after tomorrow.

25 years ago, 1988
Auburn city councilors will go into a workshop tomorrow morning with varying opinions on how to handle city trash removal. Two councilors contacted this morning had opposite views on going to an arrangement where all residents would buy special garbage bags or stickers. Another wanted further study of contracting with a private hauler, while yet another proposed charging only commercial firms for trash pickup. The council has examined several options while trying to come up with a way to remove trash collection costs from property taxes. City officials want to develop some kind of a fee system to recover those costs.

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