Pine Acres

Seniors Scramble

Flight 1 Dick Caron/ Phyl Cyr/  Irene Asselin/ Don Hawley/ Ron Bilodeau — 3. Flight 2  Cindy Halliday/ Paul Laliberty/ Jeanine Newcomb/ Jean Cote  — 2. Flight 3 Jerry Laplante/ Don Doyon/ Carol Pike/ Dick Asselin/ Lu Dube — 1. Pin  Paul Laliberty 12’9″. 50/50  Jeanine Newcomb/ Norm Polley.

Fox Ridge

Pumpkin Scramble 2013

1Gross  Andrew Slattery, Carig Chapman, Curt  Jordan Mike Doran 52; 2Gross  Jon Mercier, Chris Cloutier, Josh Jones, Jon Grant 57; 3 Gross Cliff Staples Sid Chase 58; 4 Gross Steve Leary, John Salterio, Greg Nadeau, Luke Pinard 60 Matching cards.

Turner Highlands

Orange Open

1. Harry Haylock, Kenny Merrill, Duane Nichols -7; 2. Larry Cogle, Pearl St. Pierre, Norm St. Pierre -2; #17 longest putt: James Kilduff 22’9″; Closest to pin #8: Harry Haylock 9’5″; Closest to pin #18: George Campbell 21’73/8″.

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