100 years ago, 1913
A few days ago the Lewiston Journal announced that a new industry of promising importance was immediately to be installed in Lewiston. We are permitted today to be more explicit. The Casco Manufacturing Company of Portland is moving its plant from Portland to this city. The first installment of its machinery has already been landed on the upper floor of the Park street section of the Lewiston Journal building formerly occupied by Bates Street Shirt Company. The Casco Mfg. Co. hopes before many months have passed to be employing from 300 to 400 persons. Its line of manufacture is popular priced shirt-waists for women. Casco Mfg Co. has had remarkable success and has eight calling agents traveling thruout the country.

50 years ago, 1963
The Devils are the State Champion in football. Lewiston nailed down the lid yesterday by downing the Stephens Panthers 53-6 at Lewiston Athletic Park yesterday afternoon. The scoring in the game yesterday was all confined to the first half of the session. Lewiston’s starters sat out at least half of the playing time of the contest. The LHS team might have scored more in the second half had Norm Parent been one to rub it in, but there was no reason to do so, and Norm indicated that he was not bucking for further score after the half-time gap, by having his club punt on second and third downs, rather than to wait until fourth down as is standard procedure when punts are called for.

25 years ago, 1988
Auburn election workers will be on hand at polling places tomorrow to show voters how to use new computer ballots. Mary Lou Magno, city clerk, said today that a sign instructing voters to “stop here” will be placed at demonstration tables. At the tables, workers will use a dummy ballot to explain the voting procedure. People will be instructed to complete arrows pointing to their voting choices. They should use special marking pens, which will be in voting booths. After ballots are completed, voters will be directed to computer scanning devices. Auburn bought optic scanning devices for all five polling places as a way of decreasing the time needed to count ballots.

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