100 years ago, 1913
At the meeting of the Auburn school board, Thursday evening, matters regarding Edward Little high school were carefully discussed with the decision that the senior class be given permission to present a drama on condition that all those who take part should have an average of 70 per cent, and during the time should continue their full activities in the school. Under these conditions L.E. Moulton will have careful supervision over the students. The matter of abolishing mid-year and final examinations was also brought before the board and it was voted to supplant these by examinations as seen desirable by the instructors, at completion of any branch of work. Those examinations were abolished as the Committee agreed that they were too much of a strain on the pupils, beside breaking up the regular school work.

50 years ago, 1963
Raytheon Company’s big semiconductor plant on the Lisbon Road in Lewiston has been closely surveyed by a large nationally-known manufacturing firm which is said to be very interested in the property. A state official, in disclosing this development yesterday, said the chances are good that the firm will offer to lease or purchase the property in the not-too-distant future. According to the official, “This is big, and it looks good.” Raytheon is phasing out its operations at the plant, where more than 1,000 employees once worked. At the end of October the working force had been reduced to 497 employees.

25 years ago, 1988
Hundreds of voters streamed through Auburn’s five polling places this morning as the city carried out its version of the quadrennial Election Day ritual. “There are lines everywhere,” said City Clerk Mary Lou Magno. Magno said she is “convinced” her prediction of an 80 percent turnout is on the money. Auburn has 13,500 registered voters, she said. The heavy turnout seemed sure to test the city’s new ballot tabulators, which use an electronic scanner to read the ballots as they’re placed into the slots. The machines eliminate the need for hand-counting.

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