NORWAY — Oxford Hills SCORE and the Oxford Hills Chamber of Commerce are presenting Financing Your Business, from 8 a.m. to 9 a.m. Tuesday, Nov. 19, at the Norway Town Office, 19 Danforth St.

Tina Ruhland, commercial loan officer at Norway Savings Bank, Glen Holmes, director of economic development at Community Concepts Finance Corp., and Alden Turner, senior area manager at the Small Business Administration, will cover the structure of typical business loans, what the lender expects the borrower to provide, the role of micro-lenders and the role of the SBA in financing small businesses.

Financing a business involves knowing where to seek needed capital and how to prepare to approach a lender. It also involves developing a solid business relationship with a lender. The round table will include advice on where, when and how to arrange financing for a business.

Register by calling either SCORE (743-0499), or the Oxford Hills Chamber of Commerce (743-2281).