100 years ago, 1913
The Lewiston Journal Santa Claus sends word that he confidently expects to be on hand with the goods as for three winters past. He sees no reason why alterations on the Lewiston Journal building will interfere with his work and he believes that he is going to have larger and better accommodations than ever. By the way, he has just received the following communication from Uncle Sam: “Hereafter during the month of December Santa Claus will be recognized as a real entity by the post office department and letters for him will be received and delivered.

50 years ago, 1963
The offer of the City of Auburn for use of the city farm property on Turner Street as a possible site for the new vocational training school still stands, said Auburn City Manager Woodbury E. Brackett last night. He said that some of the buildings could be utilized on at least a temporary basis for dormitory purposes until such time as new facilities are constructed. Brackett said the damaged section of the large dormitory wing of the farm was redone and now is spotless. The fire, which started in a barn, and swept into the dormitory wing, took place the night of Nov. 12, 1962. The manager said current plans are to keep the city farm in operation until at least next spring due to the piggery located on the farm and the need for further study on how city garbage collection and disposal will be handled in the future. Also the farm continues to house a few inmates.

25 years ago, 1988
Formal ground-breaking ceremonies will be held later this week for the long-awaited expansion at the Androscoggin County Jail which has been beset by overcrowding for five years. Thursday’s event will begin at 3 p.m. behind the Pleasant Street parking lot where the 124-bed jail will be built over the course of 20 months. The addition represents the first major renovation at the Turner Street jail in 20 years.

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