NORWAY — No one was injured when a car plowed through an apartment building on Beal Street early Wednesday morning. The impact threw a refrigerator and other items across a room.

Police Chief Rob Federico said a Dodge Durango driven by Christopher Morris, 34,  of Norway drove into the building at 14 Beal St.

He said the unnamed woman in the apartment called police after she walked into her kitchen and found her refrigerator across the room.

“She thought her refrigerator had blown up,” Federico said, and didn’t realize a vehicle had hit the building at about 4 a.m.

Federico said the vehicle appeared to have gone through a stop sign and between a fire hydrant and a tree before it struck the building.

It was found on nearby Alpine Street where Morris works, he said. Morris told them he didn’t remember what had happened, Federico said. There was no indication drugs or alcohol were involved, nor was the driver on any medication, the chief said.


Jim St. John, property manager for Madison Avenue Associates which owns the building, said there are no estimates yet on damage, but one wall in the kitchen will have to be replaced. He said in addition to the refrigerator, cabinets and other items were also thrown about.

 “We were very fortunate,” St. John said. “It could have been worse if she had been in the kitchen making coffee.”

The accident remains under investigation.

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