MONDAY, Nov. 18

LEWISTON — School Committee, regular meeting, 6:45 p.m., downtown Dingley Building, Lewiston School Department.

AUBURN —  City Council workshop and regular meeting in Auburn Hall. Workshop is scheduled to begin at 5:30 p.m., and topics include the future of Ingersoll Arena and amendments to TIF districts. Regular meeting is scheduled to big at 7 p.m. and topics include business licensing for garage sales and executive sessions to discuss labor contracts, poverty abatement the the Lewiston-Auburn Economic Growth Council.

TUESDAY, Nov. 19

LEWISTON —  City Council workshop and regular meeting in Lewiston City Hall. Workshop is scheduled to begin at 6 p.m. and topics include the city inauguration, personnel policies and Simard Payne Park. The regular meeting starts at 7 p.m. and topics include liquor licenses and special use permits, General Assistance policies, Bates Mill No. 5 and fair housing.



AUBURN — School Committee, regular meeting, 7 p.m., Council Chambers, Auburn Hall.

FRIDAY, Nov. 22

LEWISTON — Great Falls Forum, noon to 1 p.m., Callahan Hall, L-A native Cheryl Hamilton will talk about the current state of African refugee resettlement to the United States. Hamilton played a key role in L-A’s early 2000s wave of immigrants; today she is associate director of external relations for RefugePoint, which finds solutions for the world’s most vulnerable refugees.

Great Falls Forum is a monthly, brown-bag speaker series sponsored by the library, the Sun Journal and Bates College. Lecture is free, open to public.