100 years ago, 1913
Lewiston post office is certainly sprucing up, aided and abetted by the government at Washington, in its desire to please. The latest order that has become universal over the country is that upon request clerks must place the stamps on all second, third and fourth class mail matter. This means that the clerks must now lick the stamps, if requested to. Parcel post matter is included in this. This means that the person who holds up the line for ten or fifteen minutes with the stamps poised in his or her hand hesitating to get the moral courage and saliva necessary to moisten the back of the steel en-graving, will not lack the excuse. The burden of glue will fall upon the assistants. It is their mouths that will become sticky and in process of time evolve into lisping organs of utterance.
50 years ago, 1963
Frank M. Coffin of Lewiston will be nominated by the President to be ambassador to Panama. The popular Maine Democrat, now an official of the Agency for International Development, would succeed Joseph S. Farland as envoy to this Latin American republic, if confirmed by the Senate and this appears to be assured. President Kennedy reported at Palm Beach, Fla., yesterday that he intends to give Coffin the nomination. The political temperature in Panama is often hotter than the weather. The country has been infected with periodic unrest over the status of the American-operated Panama Canal. Coffin has served the Kennedy administration for the past two years as deputy administrator of the Agency for International Development.
25 years ago, 1988
Police Chief Gregory C. Hanscom is trying to determine what action to take now that the state has taken 17 area towing companies to court for alleged price-fixing. Hanscom said yesterday that going to a system used in Portland “is a possibility.” “That is an option to look at,” he said. Portland uses a rotation system that uses fees set by the City Council. Portland Police choose licensed tow companies from the top of a list. After one firm has been called, it goes to the bottom of the list.
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