HOULTON — One of the largest employers in Houlton is making a major cut in its workforce.

Officials at Smith & Wesson have announced that they will phase out 37 jobs at the Houlton plant, where the company is shifting its focus from all-metal gun parts to polymer-frame handguns.

Liz Sharp, spokeswoman for the company, said Tuesday that 20 of the jobs are currently held by temporary employees.

The Massachusetts-based gun manufacturer also will move several other manufacturing processes to Springfield, Mass., between now and August of next year, Sharp said. She would not provide any details about those changes.

The 161-year-old firearms manufacturer makes a variety of guns in Houlton, including Walther PPKs and handguns chambered in 9 mm, .40 and .45 ACP. The firm also has been making restraints in Houlton for 34 years, according to company records. Smith & Wesson produces more than 44 different types of restraints, including handcuffs, restraint chains and leg irons used by law enforcement agencies, security divisions and military organizations around the world.

When it opened its doors in 1966 in Houlton, it had 18 employees. It has since grown to employ approximately 150 people. When production at the facility increased in 1994, the plant was doubled in size to 36,000 square feet.


Scott Allen, the current operations manager at the Houlton plant, said Tuesday that he could not discuss the layoffs and referred questions to officials at the Springfield headquarters.

Houlton Town Manager Gene Conlogue said Tuesday that he met with company officials last week, but declined to say what they discussed.

In 2008, the company became the first business certified under the state’s Pine Tree Zone initiative. The PTZ initiative was spearheaded by Gov. John Baldacci to spark economic development in designated areas of the state where unemployment is relatively high and wages sluggish. The designation made the company eligible for several tax-based incentives such as employee tax reimbursements and Maine corporate income tax refunds.

Sharp said that the company will be offering training opportunities and other assistance to affected workers.

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