FARMINGTON — A Jay man pleaded guilty Tuesday to a felony charge of assault with a dangerous weapon for beating a Wilton man June 30. A charge of aggravated assault was dismissed in the plea agreement.

Judge Susan Oram delayed sentencing for Benjamin York, 19, for two years.

During that time, he will need to follow all requirements in an agreement with the state, including getting a substance abuse evaluation and following any treatment recommendations, Oram told him.

York is one of three co-defendants who have pleaded guilty in the case.

If the case had gone to trial, Jason White, 44, of Wilton would have testified that he and York were having an ongoing dispute over several days, Assistant District Attorney James Andrews said.

Testimony would have been heard that White drove by York and other co-defendants and threats were exchanged. The men pursued White’s vehicle to near Bass Park in Wilton and he was surrounded by four men and struck twice with a wooden club by Juan Colon, White would have testified.


Wilton police Chief Heidi Wilcox would have testified that York admitted to exchanging threats with White. She would have testified York told her that only after White threw a glass bottle near the men and it exploded, did the men chase White, Andrews said.

York admitted to being in the vehicle with co-defendants and getting out of it prior to White being struck and that he saw White fall to the ground, according to testimony.

Medical personnel would have testified that White had two lacerations on his head caused by blunt trauma, Andrews said.

Colon, 23, of Livermore Falls previously pleaded guilty to a charge of felony assault with a dangerous weapon.

He was sentenced to 18 months in jail, fully suspended, and two years of probation for his part in the beating. A higher level felony charge of aggravated assault was dismissed.

Kahner Dee, 19, of Jay pleaded guilty to a felony charge of assault. An aggravated assault charge was dismissed.


His sentencing was delayed for two years.

If Dee and York complete what they are supposed to do during the two years, they will be able to withdraw their pleas to a felony and plead to a misdemeanor charge and have it discharged without sentencing.

If the agreement is not completed successfully, they each will be convicted of a felony and face up to five years in prison.

The three co-defendants are not allowed to have contact with each other.