100 years ago, 1913
Arthur Grenier, 36, an expert heavy construction workman employed as a foreman at the new Ashe, Noyes & Small factory, Auburn, fell a story and a half yesterday afternoon when a two inch timber on which he was walking broke allowing him to drop through to the basement. He struck across an eight by twelve inch timber, but broke his fall by landing on his hands and knees. The manner in which he struck, partly on the timber and partly on the frozen ground, would ordinarily have caused serious Injuries, but Mr. Grenier appeared to suffer nothing more than a severe shaking up.

50 years ago, 1963
Students and faculty members of the Minot Consolidated School escaped injury when a heating system explosion rocked the one-story building shortly before 11 a.m. Tuesday. Principal Richard Hooper said Tuesday night the loss, which could not be determined immediately, would not be as extensive as first reports indicated. The explosion blew out three windows of the boiler room, a fire official said, and destroyed the water line to the boiler. State fire inspectors are investigating the cause of the blast.

25 years ago, 1988
Fire ripped through a four-story apartment building on Cedar Street shortly after midnight Sunday, forcing residents to seek shelter and firefighters to brave temperatures in the single digits to control the blaze. The fire at 58 Cedar St. broke out shortly before midnight, spreading through the rear and upper floors the apartment building. Five Lewiston trucks and several trucks from Auburn responded. The building, which residents say contains six apartments, is at the corner of Lincoln and Cedar streets. The Corner Variety Store is on the ground level. Police cordoned off Cedar Street near Little Canada while firefighters blasted the building with water, sending a cloud of steam and smoke through the area, and coating the road and nearby buildings with ice.

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