100 years ago, 1913
The new street lights in Auburn which will be turned on tonight were paid for by the Board of Trade. The members of that organization feel that their work has been justified and they will celebrate the event with a banquet at the Elm House in the near future. Judge Harrie L. Webber was the speaker at last night’s meeting. He discussed American civil government and commented on the primary, initiative and referendum laws.

50 years ago, 1963
Working toward the establishment of a municipal swimming pool at Pettengill Park was adopted last night as the first project of the Auburn Recreation Board. Holding its second meeting since its creation last month, the board indicated deep interest in a plan set forth by Walton School Principal Alfred N. Savignano, one of its members. Under Savignano’s suggestion, the Pettengill Park pond would be utilized to create the pool, but with pure water and not that which flows down Pettengill Brook which feeds the pond. As a result of last night’s action, Recreation Department Supt. Harry E. Reynolds is to check the matter with City Engineer Daniel Webster Jr. to determine if Savignano’s plan is feasible. Savignano suggested that to start, the course of the brook could be diverted and the pond drained while a sewer line is installed to carry the brook-sewer flowage from the pond inlet to the outlet.

25 years ago, 1988
In the wake of a number of recent armed robberies, cab companies and convenience stores are implementing new measures to discourage would-be robbers as police continue to pursue leads in those incidents. Four of the victims in the seven robberies were taxi drivers, and at least one of the city’s cab companies has begun to take preventive measures. Roland Belanger, owner of Two-in-One Taxi, said he has told his drivers not to unlock cab doors until they know who is getting into the vehicle, and not to feel obliged to pick up everyone who wants a ride. He said he has had the driver’s compartment on three cabs “caged In” on a trial basis using a plastic shield, and plans to have the rest of his cab fleet equipped with the barriers.

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