BETHEL — The Board of Selectmen voted during Monday evening’s selectmen’s meeting to update the on-call policy for the Waste Water Treatment Plant to include unlicensed employees.

Town Manager Jim Doar said that the on-call policy currently pays licensed hourly employees a stipend of $15 for each day that they are on-call.

“We have two hourly employees at the plant,” Doar explained, “There’s one full-time employee with a license, and there’s a part-time employee who does not currently possess a license. This does not mean anything about his ability to do the work. He’s perfectly capable of doing the job, but given the time it takes to get a license, he’s allowed to do the work without the piece of paper.”

Doar said that the policy change will allow unlicensed employees for the WWTP to receive the $15 stipend on days that they are on-call.

In other business, the Board of Selectmen voted to authorize the purchase of a used snowblower for the Public Works Department.

Doar said that normally, the town contracted the snowblowing to a local vendor, who cleared the sidewalks in the village, but the town lost its vendor for the upcoming year.

“The Public Works Department looked at some used snowblowers and found one that they liked,” Doar said. “The snowblower isn’t replacing an old one. We’ve never had one. This is to replace the vendor we lost.”