Last spring Gov. Paul LePage vetoed a bill to accept federal funding for MaineCare through the Affordable Care Act, denying health care for 70,000 Mainers. Now thousands are falling through the cracks and going without the coverage they need.

My son owns his own business and works almost 24/7 to make ends meet. He loves what he does, but due to high overhead, he barely shows a profit at the end of the year.

He applied at the Health Insurance Marketplace and received the following message: “…you could be eligible for free or low cost health care through MaineCare. However, the state of Maine has chosen not to offer you this new health care coverage at this time.”

Being a single, able-bodied man, who would qualify for expanded MaineCare, he cannot even get a subsidy. At 43, he has not had a physical examination in years and only seeks health care when he needs emergency care.

It is important that the legislators understand that there are many more like him, who work for a living, pay taxes and contribute to their communities. Why should they be denied health care?

It’s not about whether or not one agrees with the ACA; it’s about fairness and caring for your neighbors.

Our legislators should unite and stand with the overwhelming majority of Mainers in support of this common-sense policy and override Gov. LePage’s veto.

Claudette Therriault, Sabattus

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