In the past, I have written many letters to the editor attacking President Barack Obama, his administration and the lawmakers in Washington, D.C. (who are all hypocritical in nature).

They double-talk and are unable to make any decisions without having to wait and see what other foreign leaders will decide to do (such as the goose-neck dictator of Syria and the deceitful president of Russia). They must also keep in mind the hypocrites of Iran and North Korea.

America needs to make sound decisions and avoid being victimized by foreign leaders who have one thing in mind: to destroy humanity and control the world.

Moreover, being indebted to China could mean that they could preside in the distant future at a bankruptcy hearing.

Having been forced into disability retirement 20 years ago by the federal government, my days are spent doing research for my third book, writing letters to the editor and reflecting on the past, wondering where the happy days have gone. Thanks to Obama, other retirees may not be able to enjoy the golden years.

America was better off with President Reagan and President Clinton. I recall listening to Johnny Cash and laughing at Bob Hope’s jokes.

Now, we must continue to survive three more years with Obama and watch how much cash he intends to borrow, with no hope of ever again enjoying the happy days and the golden years of the past.

As 2014 approaches, the uncertainties beyond are known only by God.

Robert Lacombe, Sabattus