LISBON — Town Manager Stephen Eldridge left his position Monday, the day his contract expired and three days after the Town Council voted unanimously not to renew it.

Council Chairwoman Lisa Ward said the council will appoint an interim town manager at Tuesday night’s meeting.

The vote not to renew the contract was taken at a special meeting of the council Friday night after a discussion held in executive session.

Notice of Friday’s meeting was posted Dec. 31. The agenda included two items in executive session: (1) legal rights and duties of the council; and (2) personnel, with one item in open session: the town manager’s contract.

A news release issued by the town Monday afternoon stated, “Mr. Eldridge has served the town of Lisbon as manager since 2008. He is well respected and has been dedicated to the town in many ways, and the council appreciates his hard work and commitment. The council has decided that a new perspective and fresh outlook will benefit Lisbon.”

No other statements were made regarding the reason for not renewing the contract.


Efforts to reach Eldridge were unsuccessful.

Ward said she spent much of the day Monday meeting with department heads and town employees.

The agenda for Tuesday’s meeting at 7 p.m. was sent Friday afternoon and did not include any items regarding the status of the town manager.

Eldridge was town manager of Greene and, later, Etna before assuming the town manager’s position in Rumford in 2005. He signed a three-year contract with Rumford, but left after a little more than two years due to a legal challenge on grounds of his residency and the length of the contract. The town continued to pay his salary for the remainder of the third year.

A month after leaving Rumford in 2007, he accepted a position as coordinator for a special project to examine consolidating services in Auburn and Lewiston. Hired for 15 months at an annual salary of $55,000, Eldridge left that position after 10 months to accept the Lisbon job.